"En la infinita variedad de estos atomillos vivientes, se tiene un admirable recurso para explicar la prodigiosa multitud de epidemias tan diferentes y de síntomas tan varios que se ofrecen a la observación".

Dr. Eugenio Francisco Xavier de Santa Cruz y Espejo.
Reflexiones acerca de las Viruelas. 1785. Quito.

domingo, 20 de junio de 2010

The Most Malarial Town on Earth

! En el Distrito de APAC un cuarto de su población se halla infectada de MAlaria !

Unlike Africa's Great Lakes, which are known for freshwater beaches and cool evenings, Lake Kwania is more of a giant swamp: shallow, full of crocodiles and choked with lilies, papyri and hyacinths — an ideal place for the malaria parasite. These women, above, all of whom have had malaria, dig for fish in one of the many swamps near the lake in Apac district.
There are no cities near Apac with public-health programs, and the few pieces of dry land are packed with a living blood bank of people. The average Apac resident is bitten tens of thousands of times a year, of which 1,586 bites — or four a day — carry malaria.
Research has shown that in Apac, the indigenous Anopheles funestus mosquito bites human flesh 190 times a night.

Tomado de la Revista TIME. http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1995167,00.html

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